Caple Industrial Solutions

Rupes RH 353T/VR Skorpio Random Orbital Sander (Orbit 3 mm) Velcrobacking Plate mm 150

₹23,000.00 ₹28,750.00
12 Months
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The Rupes RH 353T/VR Skorpio is a random orbital sander designed for professional woodworkers and serious DIYers who demand a perfect finish.  Here's why the Skorpio might be your ideal sanding tool:
  • Powerful and Compact: 
  • Superior Maneuverability: 
  • Flawless Finish:
  • User Comfort:
  • Dust Extraction Ready:
- Dia Orbit : 3 mm - Velcro : 150 mm 
- Working pressure : 6,2/90 bar/PSIG 
- Air consumption max : 340 l/min 
- R.P.M. : 0-11.000 
- Weight : 0.8 kg 
- Air inlet thread : 1/4 GAS 
- Spindle thread : M8-F 
- Vacuum : Self generated 
- Backing pad supplied : 981.510
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